Saturday, June 9, 2012

Saturday - Arrival to Colorado Springs

In true vacation style we started out the trip with 'Holiday Road' by Lindsey Buckingham, rocked out Griswold-like to kick off the journey.

We made the trip in 13.5 hours (not accounting for the hour we gained in time zone change).  The trip wasn't horrible and we didn't feel it was as long as it actually was.  However, we managed to find 27 of the 50 state license plates... there's an app for that.

Driving into Colorado Springs, we came over the top of a large hill and were greeted by an awesome view.  Being from St. Louis and major flatlanders, mountains are always impressive.

While the drive itself is relatively uneventful, we wanted to share some of our quotable quotes from our slap-happy drive.  After many hours trapped in the car, you tend to find things funnier than they probably actually are.

- "Shit your skunk ass...yes, that's what I went with there"
- "I'll finger punch your face!" and later..."I'll punch your finger with my face!"
- "I'm suffering from some major Waffle Swamp Ass"
- "Oh look! It's June and the orange cones are in bloom"
- "I've flicked a booger in every state"
- "There is, in fact, only one accepted way to dance to'Elvira'" (  I'm dancing in this style as this is written--just dance how it comes naturally. you're probably right
- At lunch we learned that chiropractors can fix everything and fortunately, you can pray out arthritis
- "Should we go up to Pike's Peak? We can take the train"..."This is a canyon trip...F*#k mountains"
- "You're a turd in the punch bowl"
- "Shoot your shelf"  (think Sean Connery saying 'suit yourself').
- Repeated renditions of the national anthem of Anvilania.  All you Animaniacs fans know where we're coming from.
- "Hey look a llama.".... "Tina eat your food!!!"
- "And a special request, this is Van Halen with PANAMA!!!"

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